Saturday, February 18, 2012

Investigator Questions:/ Feb 15, 2012

So, this week. not too eventful. We did, however, have a nice surprise lesson! We got called by a member saturday telling us that her son is hungering for spiritual nourishment, that he's 20 yrs old, that his name is Nader, and then she set up an appointment with us for the next night (Sunday). The member is Sorella Calcaterra, and she's from Sicilia (Sicily), and she actually had a pretty cool conversion story, was baptized with her family when she was 12, a week after meeting the missionaries! Anyways, she first fed us, and the dinner even included several semi-american dishes (she lived in the states for two years or so), so that was fun. But then we got to know Nader, and he's way cool! We hit it off immediately, he said he liked us because we were not like the other missionaries, we're actually normal people. He did tell us that he knows he needs to get baptized eventually. He didn't get baptized when he was eight because his parents were getting a divorce, but he said that right now he's not ready to get baptized, and that he's got too many things on his mind right now. So we set about trying to figure out what was holding him up. He told us that he had a question that he needed answered. But he also told us that he didn't think the church or baptism would answer this question. He told us that he's asked other church leaders, including our bishop here, and other missionaries (he even knew Anziano VanAucker, my second comp here in Italy!) as well, and no one's been able to answer him. So we asked what this mysterious question was, and he asked us: Why is it that I can see ghosts? *cough* Umm, didn't see that one coming. So that's kind of a tricky situation we have now. He sees ghosts relatively often, and has since he was little. It's not that they torture him or scare him or anything, but it's something that's important to him, and he wants to understand it.

Haha umm so yeah. That was the highlight of our week! Any suggestions would be more than welcome.  Other than that, next week should be more eventful. We have a consistent sunday night with S.lla Calcaterra and Nader, so there will be an update on that next week. Tranne cio, vi voglio tutti un sacco di bene! statemi bene!

-Anziano Bushman

McDonalds had a Arizona special, and I was very skeptical of it.... My hunches proved to be true. Their "Arizona Sauce" wasn't any more than mayonnaise and a LOT of pepper. It was definitely not an ideal hamburger by any means. McDonalds fails!

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