Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The True Testimony of Christmas! Dec 21, 2011

Well, this week has been super awesome! We had a super awesome zone conference yesterday and even ended up doing a Christmas pageant, complete with cows, sheep and donkeys (missionaries in costume) lol. It was great! 

Not a lot has happened this week though. We've been doing some good work, finally starting to reach our goals, so that's super exciting. I feel like we've really hit a change as a companionship, where now we're both on the same page, heading towards the same objective, so that's way exciting! We've met some pretty awesome people in the meantime as well! Made almost 100 sugar cookies by now to give out to members and neighbors. haha it's about 1000x harder to deliver cookies without a car, but it's fun! 

Mainly, I'm just super excited from christmas. I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and we've been trying to focus our lessons on it as well. But it just blows my mind at how much love Christ has for us. How much He suffered, everything He went through, and then He doesn't even ask for anything in return! All He asks us is that we take advantage of it for ourselves, so that we can be happy. AND He's our brother. He's literally ALWAYS there for us. And He knows how to help us become like Him. Literally nothing is impossible. These things probably sound redundant, and a lot of people will say these things, maybe even too often. And it's definitely hard to express myself through email (sometimes strategically placed italics and all-caps can help), but if I can leave you with one thing for Christmas, it's that Christ lives. I know it. He's real. It's not a thing created by men just because it's more convenient to believe in something bigger, it's reality. As real as this world we live in. Christ lives! Think about what that means, and then don't ever forget it.

I love you guys, have a wonderful christmas!
-Anziano Bushman
So here we have the "White Tree of Gondor" or I mean "of Siena"
Makin sugar cookies for members and friends. They actually turned out pretty good, I was surprised.
hahaha So apparently the Wolfgramm's have an annual christmas pageant, and so at zone conference they had chosen some missionaries to be different parts, and I got chosen to be an angel haha. I didn't really do much. Just stood there and looked pretty. Lol it was fun.
Anziano Scheurn and his comp came over last night after the zone conference to spend pday in siena with us, so last night we made some hot chocolate and chilled out by the fire. Probably the most fun thing that's ever happened! 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful letter!! What more could a mother ask for!!! I LOVE all the picture!! These are two handsome missionaries!!!
